Amelia Lucile Morris

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Houston Marion Morris

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just an update...

Just thought I would update everyone on whats been going on around the Morris house lately. I am about 4 weeks into my new part-time work/ full-time mommy position and have really enjoyed it. I work every Friday and Saturday and get to spend the rest of the time with my perfect little Amelia! We have found several fun things to do during the week like Mother Goose on the Loose at the Madison Library and play dates with our neighbors and cousins. Yesterday my neighbor Brandi was nice enough to take Amelia on their "nature walk" with her kids. They collected leaves, rocks, Styrofoam, ect. and made a beautiful work of art entitled "Things God Made". I found the Styrofoam rather humerus:) Amelia is now officially potty trained! No accidents for 1 1/2 weeks, that includes #1 and #2. She even wears her panties at nap time which makes Glen extremely nervous for some reason. I am so proud of her, she lets us know when she has to go and sometimes she just goes and does it by herself. There is a down side to this potty business though, she now can not stand to be in a wet diaper and wakes up in the middle of the night for us to change her! Who would have guessed that would be a problem? I am happy to have potty training out of the way though. I am now 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I will be induced March 22nd, but I plan on having this kiddo before that. This pregnancy has been much different from Amelia's. Besides the fact that the baby feels like it could fall out at any minute, I can't sleep, have to pee every 5 seconds and have shooting pains in my hips and legs when I walk! It will all be over soon though. Can't wait to meet our new little one and find out what he or she is. I kind of wish they came with names like cabbage patch dolls, they might not let us leave the hospital if we have a boy... we are now open for suggestions on this matter!


David and Bethany said...

I feel your pain! I'm 34 1/2 weeks and David is out of town for 3 weeks!! Glad part time is going well for you. I also know what you mean about the boy name dilema. We have a first name for a boy picked out but no middle name.

Rob and Bethany said...

please have the baby the week of my spring break so I can be the very best fairy god mother and not have to lie to my work...but if not, that's fine too:)

*Jill* said...

Oh I pray everything goes well with #2!! I love that you are not finding out the sex, what a wonderful surprise. I will pray for safe delivery and divine inspiration for a name! blessings to your growing family!